公稱總壓力 Total pressure:3000kN
工作層數 Working layers:1
有效工作面積 Effective area:2440×1220mm
熱壓板間距 Opening:200mm+200mm(維護檢修 maintain and repair distance)
進出料方式 Loading and unloading method:縱向,電動,變頻調速 Width side, Automatically, Frequency control
介質最高工作溫度 The max temperature:85℃
裝機功率 Installation power:55.8kW
介質額定工作壓力 Medium rated pressure:10kgf/cm2
液體介質 Liquid medium:防凍液 Antifreeze
最小包覆圓孤半徑 Min covering radius:陽角半徑(canto aberto)≥2mm, 陰角半徑(canto avesso)≥2mm
工作行程 Working route:200mm
工作標高 Working height:920mm
壓縮空氣壓力 Compressed air pressure:0.5-0.7Mpa
油缸數量 Pressing cylinder No:4-φ50mm/2-φ40mm
加熱方式 Heating way :電加熱 Automatically
整機外型尺寸 Overall size:9380×2220×2680mm
整機總重 Gross weight:約(About)12000Kg